Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Oh Baby...

As if a two-month old doesn't keep me busy enough, I decided to create a blog for our little family. Now that Hannah is here I thought a blog would be a fun way to chronicle our lives as our baby grows. She won't be little forever and I think Sean and I will enjoy looking back on our posts in years to come. Sean says he is going to blog on here as well so you'll get my crazy ramblings and his well-thought, well-written journalistic pieces.

So come on this journey with us and don't forget to leave us some comments. We value your deep thoughts as well. Well, Hannah is getting fussy so I must Mr. Handey said, "The face of a child can say it all, especially the mouth part of the face." And little Miss Hannah has quite the mouth let me tell ya.


Julie said...

I love the blog!!! we have two. bobby does the one for both of us, and I do the adoption one. i linked you on the blogs i read.

Unknown said...

Welcome! Let the addiction begin. I'm linking yall to our blog... hope that's ok!

Rebecca said...

Welcome to the world of baby blogs!! I'll be keeping up with you and your beautiful baby girl. Be glad you started now. It goes by SO fast...

Jack's Deep Thoughts...