Thursday, August 21, 2008

First Laugh

Yesterday Hannah laughed for the very first time at her Grandmama's house! I had her laying against a pillow facing me and was just talking to her when apparently I became extremely funny because the she got the giggles. It cracked me up to hear her laugh so I started laughing which made her laugh more. It was very cute and I can't wait to hear her get tickled some more. The pic above is from yesterday just before the hillarity began.
Hannah turned 3 months old just a few days ago on the 18th! I can't believe she is already 3 months old and has progressed into stage 2 diapers, lots of grabbing with her hands and 3-6 mo. clothing. She also tries to talk to us quite a bit. She is really quite the life of the party so if you want to make your next event truly special you know who to invite :-)
In non-baby news, I actually went to the mall by myself, yes by myself, yesterday and it was blissful. Every woman, especially mom, needs some retail therapy from time to time. I got some great deals and although I was annoyed by every salesperson who tried to push clothes on me or get me to sign up for their credit card, I still had a marvelous time.
Have you noticed that this blog is titled "Deep thoughts by The DEITRICKS" (Deitricks being PLURAL) yet only one Deitrick has blogged?!? The other Deitrick (I won't mention names) must be having trouble coming up with something to write as brilliant as my thoughts. Yes, that must be it.


Karen said...

Such a beautiful little girl. I love to read your blog. We feel blessed to have such a wonderful granddaughter and her mom and dad. Love, Grandmama

Julie said...

She is absolutely adorable!!! I am so glad she is laughing for you now, that is so much fun.

Unknown said...

As mothers, we've known our babies are brilliant for a long time, but now that they're showing their personality so much, the entire world knows. Oh, and about the plural blog thing, it's just that you're the official family spokesperson, or at least that's what I've decided for our blog!

Jack's Deep Thoughts...